Pre-crazy Shia LeBouf was a nice touch, but it didn’t make this any more tolerable.
This is ClawReviews. My last name has ‘Claw’ and I review movies; the naming convention for this site is a stroke of creative genius.
Pre-crazy Shia LeBouf was a nice touch, but it didn’t make this any more tolerable.
An inconsistent curse, an objectified woman, and a stupid Devil. What more could you want?
A medicore action film burned by its own “special” effects
A flat-lined fertility rate makes for an outstanding dystopian thriller.
When the present and the future collide, only the most ridiculous of things can happen…
“Mark Wahlberg: The Movie,” staring Mark Wahlberg, pretending to be the hero he keeps pretending to be in his other movies, but this time, as Himself.
If you really really like cars and racing, you’ll love this.
If you don’t, well… then you probably won’t.
Entertaining enough, but nothing really standout in the realm of squishing zombie skulls
When done just right, magnificent stupidity is a beautiful thing.
It’s “Get Smart” + “Archer” in a kid-friendly package that the whole family will love!
A good piece of short-story body horror that bloated into a full-length movie and became bad.