AntMan & The Wasp (2018)
2015's "Ant-Man" was fun because it was, at its heart, a heist movie.
At the time (7 years into Marvel's decade of blockbuster dominance), it was a breath of fresh air in a series of movies about people with super powers punching each other until someone punched less.
Despite having the same director as the first one, "Ant Man and the Wasp" lacks the energy and novelty of the first, leaving it feeling aggressively average.
Not bad, but not good either.
Just... there.
Disney/Marvel needed to cram something into their summer line-up, and this was it.
Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) was a brilliant electrical engineer and master thief in the first movie. He's been downgraded to his Bobby Newport character from "Parks and Recreation."
Both the villain and the anti-heroes felt like after thoughts.
The dialogue between Rudd and co-start Evangeline Lily felt like they were reading from two different scripts (as written by two different people who were told to write a spec-script after hearing only the general plot outline).
And, somehow, this movie felt like it was supposed to be a sequel to 2016's "Captain America: Civil War," which would be great, if it came out two years ago. Instead, "Ant-Man and the Wasp" managed to miss out on two years worth of plot-development and world-building that the rest of the MCU had already moved past.
If you find yourself particularly bored, this isn't a bad matinee film. Don't pick it for date night or pay full price.