It took 7 years, but someone finally made a worse version of "The Nice Guys"!
This is ClawReviews. My last name has ‘Claw’ and I review movies; the naming convention for this site is a stroke of creative genius.
All in Shoot-em-up-Tony
It took 7 years, but someone finally made a worse version of "The Nice Guys"!
One thousand years ago, a sentient piece of linen decided to use binary code to tell a group of fanatical hooded weirdos who like to knit who they should murder.
This movie was one hard-core sex scene away from being a BRAZZERs porn parody of John Wick.
This was the cinematic embodiment of every single-player first-person-shooter game on the market.
Despite the name, “Blood Father” (2016) is not about a mafia man who runs a racket with Red Cross blood banks.
I haven’t seen Jennifer Garner in anything in a very long time. In an era of violent action films, it seems pretty clear that Garner was hoping that her own violent action film “Peppermint” (2018) would revitalize her career.
I can honestly say that I don’t think this was her ticket.